Have you had the chance to check out some of the latest street magic tricks and illusions. Here is one of my favorite street magic artists of all time...Dynamo. Dynamo brings a whole new level into street magic doing things that are very extremely hard to explain. Check out Dynamos top ten moments from his Magic episodes of Dynamo Magician Impossible

David Blaine - A Life Of Street Magic

When we hear the name David Blaine our minds cast to the words "Street Magic". Whilst growing up David Blaine was fascinated with magic and everything involved. Fascinated by the wonders of magic David has made a name as one of the most heard about street magic performers throughout the world. With tricks and stunts which can not be explained it is no wonder that people to this very day remain amazed. It was this kind of street magic that David performed which took magic tricks and magic shows to a whole new level - Instead of the audience concentrating on the magician it was more like an audience focusing on an audience, therefore leaving the ultimate watchers even more in dismay as to how his tricks were really done. As a result of Davids awesome shows and style many other magicians and illusionists have come from the woodwork with even more amazing tricks taking this whole new era of magic and illusions to a completely different level.

The type of magic known as street magic has inspired many more magicians, mentalists and illusionists to adopt a whole new style of performance.The audience within an audience concept of magic has shown the world just how exciting and spontaneous magic can really be and that it is not just some old plonker pulling a rabbit from a hat. That tricks could be performed spontaneously and without practice before random street goers showed the world that magic was once again exciting. David Blaine is not only known for his street magic but also very well known for his endurance stunts which no other magicians have ever performed. He has shown the world a countless number of times that he can endure what most people will never be able to endure in their life. One endurance test that springs to mind would be the time he held his breath in a tank of water for 17 minutes and 4 1/2 minutes setting a brand new world record. This can even be seen in the Guinness world book of records.

To find out more about David Blaine and his stunts you can visit his wiki page below. In upcoming posts we are going to talk about Davids style of magic and some of his more famous street magic tricks. Stay tuned for more magical info

In the mean time please feel free to visit our magic tricks and illusions store. We offer fully fledged magic trick tutorials aimed at all ages and abilities. Are you going to be the next great magician on the scene?

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How To Do Magic Tricks For Kids With Balloons - Cool Magic Tricks For Parties

Are you looking for some real easy magic tricks for kids birthday parties. Have you ever thought along the lines of balloons. They are cheap to buy and easy to work with. When it comes down to kids then you can not really get into the difficult or technical type of tricks. Something as simple as a balloon can normally do the trick whilst keeping the kids amazed. I didn't actually believe that too many tricks involving balloons existed until i seen this video. Its not over complicated and very easy on the eye. Little magic tricks like this will keep them all smiling with delight for sure. They may be easy but these magic tricks are great for the little ones.
You can check out  this trick and many many more over at Pubtricks.com They have a brilliant selection of magic tricks with video tutorials that will suit all ages and abilities.

Learn How To Do Easy Beginner Magic Card Tricks At Home

Check out this impressive card trick for beginners. Out of all of the different types of magic tricks out there then card tricks are one of the easiest out of all of them to get started with. They are inexpensive to perform and very easy to learn as a beginner as all you need mostly is a deck of cards. After practice you can then work your way up to some more difficult card tricks to improve your skills even more. Card magic tricks work well on the eye and are generally received well by audiences who watch. Some people think that magic tricks with cards always have to follow the same old boring routine but this is now not the case. The likes of upcoming street magic trick magicians like David Blaine or even Dynamo have bought a new kind of style to card tricks in general. Even though i am a big fan of classic card tricks some people just seem to think they have seen it all before but let me tell you there are some really great card tricks out there

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